Individual Level Changes

  1. Developed leadership skills
  2. Increased knowledge of women's issues internationally, nationally, statewide and locally
  3. Increased involvement in social justice issues affecting women and girls with an emphasis on reproductive justice
  4. Developed life skills
Click here
to read FLA Participants' impact statements
Click here
to read a statement that supports every one of FLA outcomes. This speech was given at the 5 year FLA celebration by graduate, Korri Faria

Organizational Level Changes

  1. Increased organizational capacity to support leadership development
  2. Increased organizational capacity to advocate and support policy initiatives that promote social justice and equity for women and girls with an emphasis on reproductive justice

Advocacy and Policy Level Changes (Local and County)

  1. Increased knowledge in social justice issues affecting women and girls
  2. Increased advocacy in social justice issues affecting women and girls with an emphasis on reproductive justice
  3. Developed, adopted, implemented and/or enforced policies to address identified social justice issues affecting women and girls with an emphasis on reproductive justice